I can Fly!


Welcome to the Zip Zap Circus

Inspiring & Empowering Kids for Life




Join the family, contribute to youth development, donations are tax deductible

Welcome to our uniquely South African circus family.
A social and professional circus that is filled with hope, promise, daring dreams, and extraordinary talent.
Come and dream with us…

Zip Zap was born in 1992 from a simple dream, a trapeze bar in a tree, a costume box and a rusty car. Established by South African born Brent van Rensburg and his French wife, Laurence Estève, their dream was to use the circus as a tool to bridge socio-economic gaps and to inspire and empower young people to build a new culture of peaceful co-existence in South Africa, inspired by the late Nelson Mandela.

As the Zip Zap story was founded on an initial love story between the two co-founders, so it continues to unfold as one. The love can be felt in every corner of this extraordinary social circus. It is felt on stage, on the training floor, throughout ten programmes and between every beneficiary, alumni, staff, international intern, board member and show audiences. Once you join the Zip Zap family, you are embraced by a sense of belonging, that lasts a lifetime.

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Our shining stars

Zip Zap is a home for me. It has changed me. Therefore, through Zip Zap I believe I can also make a change to the next generation. All the youngsters at Zip Zap are my brothers and sisters, that’s why Zip Zap is a home for me.
Zip Zap student

We are dreamcatchers

Beneficiaries from the Zip Zap programmes have performed for presidents, princes, sporting stars and world leaders. They have completed more than 30 international tours and numerous international media showcases. The proceeds from these performances in turn fund training and are pivotal to the sustainability of Southern Africa’s largest social circus.

Kids who began as six-year-olds swinging from a trapeze tied to a tree, are now professional performing artists working in Europe and North America. Young people who grew up on the streets are now skilled and valued artists and technicians in the entertainment and film industries.

Best of all, these kids have become teachers themselves. They are ambassadors and role models for others, demonstrating the possibility of a new way of treating each other.

We are trail blazers

Established by South African born Brent van Rensburg and his French wife, Laurence Estève, their dream was to use the circus as a tool to bridge socio-economic gaps and to inspire and empower young people to build a new culture of peaceful co-existence in South Africa, inspired by the late Nelson Mandela.

As the Zip Zap story was founded on an initial love story between the two co-founders, so it continues to unfold as one. The love can be felt in every corner of this extraordinary social circus.

It is felt on stage, on the training floor, throughout nine programmes and between every beneficiary, alumni, staff, international intern, board member and show audiences. Once you join the Zip Zap family, you are embraced by a sense of belonging, that lasts a lifetime.


Audience Members


Media Reach


Zip Zap Circus - Dome Hire


Zip Zap Circus - Programmes

Shows & entertainment

Zip Zap Circus - Shows

Hire the dome

Step into the magic: watch more Zip Zap videos here.

News & events

Love for the Circus

Love for the Circus

BEHIND THE SCENES AT ZIP ZAP - WHY WE LOVE THE CIRCUS February is the month of love, and at Zip Zap, love is at the core of everything we do, and it...

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The magic we make is possible because of our supporters



We rely entirely on donations to change lives. Our students don’t pay for any classes.

Donate today and dream with us

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