Often when one hears “It’s a dream come true” there is this fluffy, little princess imagery that comes to mind. The birth of Zip Zap Circus was around a real dream and a real intention to make a difference. This coffee table book, Zip Zap Circus – How the Zip Zap Academy was born takes the reader on a rollercoaster ride, detailing the birth of Zip Zap Circus and the fates that aligned, with the help of a fairy-godmother, to produce the first purpose-built circus school in South Africa.

Zip Zap Circus and its development into an Academy, is depicted in this sumptuous coffee book and shows the determination and intention to make a difference in the lives of at-risk children. Walking the road with Zip Zap Circus through the pages of this book is a joy and testament to the willpower of a circus family, to bring hope into the lives of over 1600 children per year.
The common perception of a circus, traveling from town to town, is changed as the Zip Zap Academy is permanently located in Saltriver, Cape Town, uplifting the community and giving a constant home to the circus dwellers.

The Zip Zap values can be seen throughout this delightful book: Joy, Family, Honesty, Respect, and Accountability. Janusz Korczak says: “Life is a circus ring, with some moments more spectacular than others”. Choosing to read and experience this book, will be a spectacular moment for any reader.

Order the book
Cost: R500 (excludes courier / packaging costs)
Payment: By EFT
Account: Zip Zap Circus School Trust
Bank: Nedbank
Account No: 167 600 8497
Branch: Hout Bay – Code (167609)
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ
Reference: Your full name + ZZ Coffee Table Book

Please email proof of payment to info@zip-zap.org

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