Our Khula Nathi programme was launched in 2018, in partnership with the Engelhorn family. Khula Nathi is the school readiness support programme for ECD centres, to enhance early childhood readiness for primary school, through a structured social circus programme for improving physical, social, and cognitive skills.

Khula Nathi “grow with us” is a Zip Zap Circus programme that uses early childhood development principles to provide children with alternative and quality early learning experiences through the circus arts and related activities. The programme is run in collaboration with 6 ECD centres (3 from Imizamo Yethu and 3 from Hangberg, both informal settlements in Hout Bay). The programme has been so successful that we will be including 6 new ECD centres in Bonteheuwel and Khayelitsha in 2025 to support the development of a new cohort of little learners.

The selected ECD centres have committed to a 2-year programme with the same group of 30 children per centre, in the age-groups 3-4 years in the first year and progressing to 4-5 years in the second.

Children are bussed in on sponsored transport to and from the Zip Zap Academy venue in Salt River, Cape Town.

Early Childhood Development programme
Early Childhood Development programme

Social Challenge

A significant number of young learners entering Grade 1 in South Africa have not reached the required level of readiness for formal learning due to inadequate early- learning experiences. As found in many studies worldwide, these learners are often traumatised because they cannot keep up with the pace and requirements of the formal learning situation, putting them at risk for academic failure.

Programme Goal

To support ECD centres by providing alternative quality early learning experiences for participants to reach the required stage of school readiness. To contribute to the body of knowledge and practice on early childhood development



The programme supports Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in preparing learners to enter mainstream schooling, and the methodology of learning through play is a very effective vehicle through which to encourage development.  Activities helped the children learn balance, dexterity, movement and dance, which complemented activities offered at their respective ECD centres. Children learned through observation, listening and mimicking as they were challenged to complete tasks. The Zip Zap instructors represented new authority figures, which was essential in acclimatizing participants to new environments while also reinforcing healthy discipline. All the participants thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and teachers reported that they displayed greater confidence, appear to engage better with their peers and are more inclined to participate in physical activities. Most of the children (97%) displayed improved language and communication skills, which positively influenced their abilities to follow instructions to enable them to execute tasks.

Teachers were encouraged to replicate activities at their respective ECD centres to ensure continuity.

“The children use the skills they learn at the Zip Zap workshops when they play on the school jungle gym.” –  Teacher 




Coaching Support (2 Alternating)

“For the past 29 years we have seen stars in the eyes of all children entering Zip Zap. That ‘spark’ is what we work for, to ensure it continues shining until they become independent, caring, responsible adults. It is worth cultivating because only once each child knows their worth will (s)he be on the path to growth. We have seen many times that participation in our programmes overcomes low self-esteem, anger, frustration, despair, and rejection.   More than 15,000 young people have gone through that process with us over 29 years.”

– Zip Zap Co-founders


Programme Success

Zip Zap is proud to have concluded the first 2-year programme in partnership with 6 ECD centres located in the Hout Bay area. The programme provided a more focused approach to improving levels of school-readiness of participants.

We received consistently positive feedback from teachers that the programme had contributed to increased levels of confidence and creativity among the children, as well as improvements in physicality.

For more information on how to join one of our programmes, email 




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