Launched in 2018, The Hood is aimed at children and youth within a 2km radius of the Zip Zap Academy in Salt River, Cape Town. Its mission is to foster the physical, social, and emotional well-being of young people by offering positive childhood experiences within their own neighbourhood. Through the art of circus, The Hood provides a safe space for participants to learn new skills, build confidence, and feel supported.

Through this programme we engage with children, aged 6 to 17 years, on a weekly basis, teaching various circus disciplines in a novel, safe and fun environment – at the Zip Zap Academy right on their doorsteps! The programme aims to develop physical skills, improved self-esteem and self-confidence, and to teach the value of teamwork. It allows children to have fun and to meet other children from the neighbourhood, forge new friendships, and create a sense of kinship and belonging. Parents also welcome the opportunity for their children to attend a free after-school activity that removes them from the day-to-day dangers prevalent in the area. The “Show & Tell” event at the end of each year showcases previously hidden talents and greatly enhanced confidence.

Outreach Programme - The Hood
Outreach Programme - The Hood

Social Challenge

1 in 6 South Africans suffer from a range of mental- or psychological disorders, anxiety, depression, or substance-related problems, and may be subjected to various forms of discrimination.

Programme Goal

The Hood programme fosters a healthier community by providing children with positive experiences in their neighbourhood, preventing risky behaviour, and exposing them to opportunities in the circus world.


During 2024, the programme engaged 30 children in 30 workshops where the children played, learned and developed – physically and creatively. All the children enjoyed the training, felt happy at Zip Zap. 92% felt loved, while most of them (88%) felt comfortable to talk to someone at Zip Zap. Physical assessments, completed 3 times during the programme year, helped instructors to assess the capabilities and progress of the participants, and helped to inform effective programme content to meet programme objective with 54% of participants feeling stronger and fitter since joining the programme. Another important focus of the programme is creating positive associations regarding gender roles, and there was a marked positive change among the participants in viewing genders as equal. This was further displayed in the positive representation of female participants within the programme, at 52%. Despite the demands of school, extra-mural activities and family responsibilities the programme still had an attendance rate of 69%, which displays the participants’ resilience and perseverance.

All participants confirmed having enjoyed their time during The Hood workshops!




Coaching Support (2 Alternating)

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A Rising Star

Freda, 10, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, now resides in Woodstock, just a stone’s throw away from the Academy. She attends Mountain Road Primary School.

In 2023, Freda, along with her two older sisters, joined The Hood programme. Though initially shy, Freda made a conscious effort to connect with her peers. She quickly revealed her agility and passion for aerial scarf, acrobatics, and creative movement. Determined and focused, she pushes herself to achieve every goal she sets.

Her potential has been evident from the start. She accepted the challenge of performing a duo adagio act, which she delivered with confidence at the Show & Tell event in November 2024 and was awarded the 2024 Shining Star Award for her exceptional performance in The Hood programme.

 Her progress has been both impressive and consistent, leading to her advancement to the Ukwanda (formerly Simunye) youth programme for 2025.



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