
Welcome to the Zip Zap Circus UK

Inspiring & Empowering Kids for Life

A social and professional circus that is filled with hope, promise, daring dreams, and extraordinary talent.

Come Dream with us!

Zip Zap Circus UK was born out of a very special circus that began in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1992. At that time, South Africa’s first democratic elections were still several years away and the country was in turmoil, but international circus performer Brent van Rensburg felt called to return to his homeland. At the very moment when many people were leaving, Brent and his wife Laurence (who was also his trapeze partner!) moved to Cape Town. They were determined to help make Nelson Mandela’s dream of a rainbow nation a reality. Together, they launched a project that would help create a global movement: circus for social transformation.

The Directors

Since 1992, Zip Zap social circus schools around the world have changed the lives of young people, regardless of their ability to pay.

A career in the circus is not the goal of social circus programs (although many Zip Zap kids have gone on to perform as professionals around the world!). Rather, the objective of social circus is to increase self-awareness, individuality, collective unity, and self-discipline in order to transform the vision and capabilities of at-risk youth.


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People Reached

ZIP ZAP CIRCUS UK LIMITED Certificate of incorporation: 13924956

HMRC Charities: ZD21526

Zip Zap UK Banking Details

Zip Zap Circus UK Limited


Sort code: 20 11 43

Account number: 03915883

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